Your favourite fragrance can reveal your personality

Perfumes are a real addiction, an essential resource we could not imagine ourselves without; they are something of vital importance that gives a touch of completeness to the wearer – if you think about it, an outfit is not a proper one without a spritz of perfume at the end!

But by what is determined this visceral bond between human beings and fragrances? And how do they relate to people’s personalities?

It is common knowledge that fragrances are used to modulate body odour, but there is much more behind this scientific aspect. In fact, it has been proven how odours are highly potent in affecting various domains of human psychological functioning, ranging from perception and mood to cognitive process and behaviours.

Recent studies suggest that odours could be effective even at concentrations below conscious levels. For example, subthreshold ambient ‘sweet’ odours increase pain tolerance, while a common detergent perfume changes spontaneous cleaning behaviour. Furthermore, results of recent studies show how odours can be involved in various social judgments and human interactions, carrying important biological messages. For instance, new-borns can find their mothers’ nipple by smell, while adults’ judgments and decisions are influenced by the body odour of others who have experienced specific affective states (fear, panic, stress, tension, etc..).

However, it is thought that the principal context in which body odour influences social interactions is within romantic relationships and mate choice, in particular.

It has been proposed that using perfumes serves to indicate cleanliness, social status, and personality. In addition to this, fragrances are frequently considered to enhance sexual attractiveness, and it has been found that they effectively modulate sexual arousal and mood response of women.

Moreover, perfume usage may also have an indirect impact on social perception through changes in the perfume wearer’s self-perception and self-consciousness.

It has been scientifically demonstrated that the use of fragrances can lead to changes in nonverbal behaviours, increasing people’s confidence. It is not a case that several experiments were conducted on both women wearing commercial deodorants and women wearing placebo ones, with the consequence of considering the first category more attractive than the second one.

But let’s now explore the deepest psychological aspect of perfume’s magical world.

As stated by Paul Jellinek, author of Promises to Mary and of The Psychological Basis of Perfumery, people’s mood can be altered by specific fragrances, based on his research on the ancient philosophy of the four elements, which prompting him to publish the study on mood and fragrances.

But how are the four elements linked to the most common fragrances and people’s personalities?

If you are a fan of green, herbal, coniferous, citrus and fresh perfume, you might be falling under the AIR element category. These fresh ingredients support mental activity and instigate the creative cognitive process.

Herbal Perfume
Photo by Alesia Kozik from Pexels

By contrast, if your personality is more into the spicy, fruity, warm and rich ingredients, you belong to the FIRE element. It is believed that these perfume uplifts and reinvigorates its wearers.

Sensual Perfume
Photo by Rovenimagescom from Pexels

The rosy, floral, delicate, soft fragrances, instead, represent the WATER element. Jellinek believed that these perfumes had the ability to reduce anxiety and stress by promoting mental balance.

And to round off, caramel, earthy, sensual and sweet ingredients, represent the EARTH element. These perfume comforts and nurtures the wearer.

Whatever your favourite fragrance is, you will still unconsciously pick the one that better reflects your personality traits, revealing a lot about you.

Perfumes are like mirrors; they are the expression of our own identity and our feelings. And what a great way to communicate with the rest of the world through the sweetest and aromatic notes of the fragrance of your life?

Now, wear the perfume that suits you best, and spread that confidence that you have been hiding for so long!


We tend to spend most of our personal life focusing on the negativity, rather than appreciating the good side of things and making the most of every single moment.

It is incredible how twisted human nature is, when it could be so easy to use and transform our energy into something positive each time we encounter a new obstacle.

I keep wondering why we always wait for the storm to begin before seeing the sun and starting to absorb the warmth and joy emanated by the power of such a supreme, cosmic force.

Why do we have to fall ill or lose our loved ones to get strong enough and be able to live our life to the fullest, rather than just surviving and waiting for another day to go by?

We hear of many people who almost died and radically changed their vision and values only after a coma or a family loss, whilst at the same time, the most disadvantaged ones keep surprising us with genuine smiles and simple gestures.

Why does this happen? We live in a society that consumes us, drowning us in its corruption and false ideals. And this continuous desire to possess excessively turned us into some perpetually unhappy creatures, constantly looking for what we do not know or what we do not have yet.

It is right in this scenario of general dissatisfaction that we should all make some efforts to face a change, beginning by the way we think first, following by how we live. This is possible thanks to the power of gratitude.

Gratitude 1
Photo by Lola Russian from Pexels

What is gratitude?

Gratitude is going to sleep every night and waking up in the morning with a relaxed face and that expression of joy and positive attitude, appreciating the simplest things and being grateful even for being alive in this world.

Gratitude is a small action but of great value that has the infinite power to change your whole perception of life and external events.

It is innate within our spirit, but many people do not know that as they have not discovered this energy yet.

You do own it and you should use this incredible gift as of right now.

As I keep saying in my blog articles: time is the most precious resource we have. Do not wait for the worst to happen before making the most of it.

Why have I decided to talk about this topic today?

Because I am the first one who has experienced this myself, and I perfectly know how gratitude can change your life in a flash.

It took me 29 years before realising that I was not feeling alive, but I was only living my days like if I was doing somebody else a favour. I know this is not the most positive and motivating line to read, but let’s be honest…I am sure I am not the only one in this room!

All I want right now is to be an open book with you.

I am tired to hide my feelings and emotions for fear of being judged, and I want my stories to be able to help you developing a more positive way of thinking, because I do truthfully care about you.

Said that, I will now give you three important tips on how to start practicing gratitude if you are going through depression and you do not know how to get over it:

  • Familiarise yourself with what is a ‘Gratitude Journal’ and start filling your personal one every evening before going to sleep, and in the morning, as soon as you are awake
Gratitude Journal
Photo by Jess Bailey from Pexels

Though it could appear as banal, it has been scientifically proven that writing a list of positive actions can help you to switch the focus on the positivity aspect of life; same as the use of positive affirmations, a gratitude journal can be extremely beneficial on your mental health. If you are consistent and you do really want to get better, I would suggest you fill out yours one, both day and night. This way you will go to sleep and wake up already in a positive state of mind, with a great determination and with a positive intention.

  • Dust off your old hobbies or find some new ones to keep yourself occupied with something you enjoy
Photo by Eternal Happiness from Pexels

If you suffer from depression you do not really have enough energy and motivation to carry on your daily tasks. I know how hard it can be when you do not even want to get out of bed and get dressed in the morning. But if you follow my first advice, after one or two weeks (depending on which stadium of depression you are currently in) it is more likely that you will already start to experience a feeling of wellbeing. Trust me, focusing on the positive things in your life, you will get up with another angle, a new you with a new aura, willing to take on new challenges and opportunities, especially if you have the chance to do something that you enjoy.

  • Be grateful and appreciative every day, but do never lose that drive and that desire for accomplishment
Photo by Anna Tarazevich From Pexels

It is important that you do learn how to express gratitude, but without losing your vision and desire to redeem yourself. Setting goals is part of our personal growth and it is what makes us feel stronger and valuable, challenging our own fears and insecurities. Keep this in mind if you want to progress in your life – and I am 100 % confident you want this – even if everything seems to be falling apart right now and you are struggling to see the positive aspect of things.

Remember, life is just one, and it is here and now. You tend to forget about it so often that you can barely take some time for yourself, appreciating the present moment.

But how long do you want to keep having the same routine?

If you want beautiful things to happen to you, you must learn how to appreciate what you already have first. Stop letting yourself be carried away by external events and start living your day as if it was the last one. Life is the most precious gift the universe has given to us, together with time.

And since your time does not go back, you should change your approach to life and start enjoying a bit more what you have and the simplest and the noblest gestures.

Be grateful
Photo by Elina Sazonova from Pexels