We live in a society which completely absorbs our energy; each day is like a jungle, a non-stop race that prevents us from enjoying the present time as we should, while we are constantly focused on our future, overwhelmed with a permanent To Do List that has full control over us.

Therefore, it is important to realise when it is the case to stop that freight train and to have a mental and physical break.

As you know, our mind and our body are connected more than you might imagine; physical health problems can significantly increase the chance to develop a mental health disorder, and vice versa; research shows that anxiety and depression are the most common consequences of a physical condition, however it is not excluded that a long-term physical illness could cause a panic disorder or a heart disease.

Hence it is advisable to be more aware of any possible burnout, and to be able to identify any red flag when it shows up before it will be too late.

But what are the most experienced symptoms of a breakdown and how can we recognise them?

Cases can be various, and they can differ from person to person, depending on several factors, but if you happen to notice any of the following cues, then it is the right time for you to step back and to slow down.

Have a break if you:

  • Feel mentally and physically exhausted, despite your 9-10 hours’ sleep
Photo by Pexels

Have you ever feel completely knocked out even after sleeping for longer than your usual? You think that you have fully recovered from a hectic week at work, but your face is still tense, and your energy level seems to be down; this is a clear evidence of high stress, and you should be taking some days off, dedicating some time for yourself only and to disconnect from the rest of the world for a moment.

  • Experience any difficulties concentrating and you need to go back to the same task repeatedly
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Has it ever happened to you? How often did you go through the same line before sending a simple email to your boss? And how often have you read that paragraph before being able to memorize it? Like a permanent sense of tiredness, a lack of concentration may be another wake-up call in these events. Both factors can be linked to each other, and they can be experienced at the same time, depending on the person’s resilience and mental fitness.

  • Are easily irritable and you can’t control your emotions
Photo by Liza Summer from Pexels

Impulsiveness and aggressive reactions are in most cases due to challenging situations that might be affecting our psychological wellbeing – causes are countless and might have several reasons, but they usual involve people’s personal life and sphere; also, even a chronic disorder or a long-term physical disease is likely to impact your mood, and consequently, your behaviour.

  • Have been eating a significant amount of food and in a short time, or if you have a loss of appetite
Photo by Polina Tankilevitch from Pexels

Mind these kinds of symptoms, as they might be warning signals of a possible eating disorder, and you should never allow this to happen to you. Your body and your mind don’t deserve that; instead, be prompt to listen to both, understanding that every small action has a valid reason behind it and that it is better to ask for external support when needed.

  • Get regularly sick and you start developing some physical conditions that you have never had before
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Sometimes stress can be so unsustainable and difficult to handle that it starts to impact our immune system too.

I still remember how often I was getting ill when I was extremely anxious and overwhelmed. I experienced the most uncommon symptoms, to the point that I could be barely able to speak or eat due to a severe infection because of mouth ulcers.

I was getting hypochondriac, thinking that I had the worst existing diseases in the planet, even though facts were proving the opposite, showing that I was perfectly fine and healthy.

It is incredible, but this is how powerful our mind and our thoughts are.

  • Have moments of extreme euphoria, followed by instants of sadness and negative mood
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Managing your mood might be a factor of stress itself, and if you can’t make any plan or complete even a simple task you have been doing for a while because of that, then you might be mentally exhausted, or something might be not quite right in your life right now. Bear in mind that, in these cases, if you don’t take any action straight away, this might compromise not only your relationship with yourself, but also with people within your circle. In addition to this, in the most serious cases, this mood swing might take you to experience a mild form of bipolarism, a mental disorder that includes emotional hights (mania or hypomania) and lows (depression).

  • Have been feeling incredibly sad and you have a loss of interest or pleasure in activities once enjoyed
Photo by Mariana Montrazi from Pexels

Talking about bipolarism and symptoms correlated, if your mood is extremely down and you are struggling to find motivation in things you used to do before, and even the easiest tasks have a strong impact on your emotional and physical wellbeing, then it is recommendable to ask for external support as soon as possible.

Depression is one of the leading causes of disability worldwide and a major contributor to suicide and coronary heart disease.

Do not wait till it becomes an obstacle for your whole life.  

It is humanly acceptable to be feeling tired and under pressure at times. External factors make a tremendous contribution to our mental and physical health. Hence you should be seriously looking after yourself, making sure to have enough rest, but first of all, that you are aware of your current psychological state.

Remember, you should always be your own priority, no matter what, as if you are not at peace with yourself you will not find any happiness and stability within the outside world either.

Do not be afraid to ask for help when needed and stop blaming yourself for having hit rock bottom again. It happens.

Life is a cycle, and we all have our ups and downs.

The first step begins with acceptance.

You can embark on a healing journey today only if you accept to have a moment of pause.

There is nothing wrong with it. Allow yourself to slow down when your mind and body ask you to do so.


Your favourite fragrance can reveal your personality

Perfumes are a real addiction, an essential resource we could not imagine ourselves without; they are something of vital importance that gives a touch of completeness to the wearer – if you think about it, an outfit is not a proper one without a spritz of perfume at the end!

But by what is determined this visceral bond between human beings and fragrances? And how do they relate to people’s personalities?

It is common knowledge that fragrances are used to modulate body odour, but there is much more behind this scientific aspect. In fact, it has been proven how odours are highly potent in affecting various domains of human psychological functioning, ranging from perception and mood to cognitive process and behaviours.

Recent studies suggest that odours could be effective even at concentrations below conscious levels. For example, subthreshold ambient ‘sweet’ odours increase pain tolerance, while a common detergent perfume changes spontaneous cleaning behaviour. Furthermore, results of recent studies show how odours can be involved in various social judgments and human interactions, carrying important biological messages. For instance, new-borns can find their mothers’ nipple by smell, while adults’ judgments and decisions are influenced by the body odour of others who have experienced specific affective states (fear, panic, stress, tension, etc..).

However, it is thought that the principal context in which body odour influences social interactions is within romantic relationships and mate choice, in particular.

It has been proposed that using perfumes serves to indicate cleanliness, social status, and personality. In addition to this, fragrances are frequently considered to enhance sexual attractiveness, and it has been found that they effectively modulate sexual arousal and mood response of women.

Moreover, perfume usage may also have an indirect impact on social perception through changes in the perfume wearer’s self-perception and self-consciousness.

It has been scientifically demonstrated that the use of fragrances can lead to changes in nonverbal behaviours, increasing people’s confidence. It is not a case that several experiments were conducted on both women wearing commercial deodorants and women wearing placebo ones, with the consequence of considering the first category more attractive than the second one.

But let’s now explore the deepest psychological aspect of perfume’s magical world.

As stated by Paul Jellinek, author of Promises to Mary and of The Psychological Basis of Perfumery, people’s mood can be altered by specific fragrances, based on his research on the ancient philosophy of the four elements, which prompting him to publish the study on mood and fragrances.

But how are the four elements linked to the most common fragrances and people’s personalities?

If you are a fan of green, herbal, coniferous, citrus and fresh perfume, you might be falling under the AIR element category. These fresh ingredients support mental activity and instigate the creative cognitive process.

Herbal Perfume
Photo by Alesia Kozik from Pexels

By contrast, if your personality is more into the spicy, fruity, warm and rich ingredients, you belong to the FIRE element. It is believed that these perfume uplifts and reinvigorates its wearers.

Sensual Perfume
Photo by Rovenimagescom from Pexels

The rosy, floral, delicate, soft fragrances, instead, represent the WATER element. Jellinek believed that these perfumes had the ability to reduce anxiety and stress by promoting mental balance.

And to round off, caramel, earthy, sensual and sweet ingredients, represent the EARTH element. These perfume comforts and nurtures the wearer.

Whatever your favourite fragrance is, you will still unconsciously pick the one that better reflects your personality traits, revealing a lot about you.

Perfumes are like mirrors; they are the expression of our own identity and our feelings. And what a great way to communicate with the rest of the world through the sweetest and aromatic notes of the fragrance of your life?

Now, wear the perfume that suits you best, and spread that confidence that you have been hiding for so long!


We have been reading about stigma of mental health conditions quite often nowadays. 

People are frustrated and exhausted; they are tired of having to keep hiding their own feelings and emotions in a society that is consuming us every day more.

There is an even stronger need of confrontation and support right now, after all the uncertainty and the big changes that the pandemic has involved in many sectors of our everyday life. 

But what is exactly a ‘stigma’ and how it affects our mental and physical wellbeing?

A stigma is a sign of unacceptability, the shame or disgraced attached to something defined as ‘socially inadmissible’. 

My question to this form of prejudice that has been happening from a lifetime is:

When are we going to reach parity in treating mental health and physical health? 

There is much talk about it, but only a few facts and little concrete actions, in fact recent studies on mental health statistics in the UK have proven that only a 36.2% of people suffering from a mental health disease get treated for it.  

And do you know why this happens? Some people take longer to realise the stage of their psychological conditions, others believe that they can handle their personal problems on their own, however the main reason of it is due to an excessive worry of social contexts and people’s assumptions – how shameful!

We live in the 21st Century and we still have to face and tolerate the hypocrisy and the abuses from those who take freedom to bully and to marginalise the weakest ones for the sheer pleasure of feeling powerful and almighty.

Stop Bullying
Photo by Rodnae Productions from Pexels

This is unbearable if you think about those suffering from any other physical illness, like diabetes, cancer, chronic or heart disease, and how these cases are fairly considered by society.

Nevertheless, there are still countless ‘silent diseases’, such as anxiety, panic disorders, phobias, PTSD, schizophrenia, OCD and many others which are still identified as ‘less serious’ or, even worse, described with a derogatory language.

This is extremely alarming knowing the immense power of our mind, capable of taking over us, easily making any mental disease a physical disability in a short period of time if not treated properly.

Therefore, I have decided to write this article to support this cause, and to offer my help to those struggling with mental health diseases, with the only aim of breaking the stigma of psychological conditions, by inviting you to reflect on the importance of talking openly about it.

You may be wondering now why would you sharing your personal experiences with a stranger who does not have nothing to do with you and with your own life? 

Good point, however no one is forcing you to do this, unless you understand how incredible the impact of your action would be, not only on yourself but also on other people’s mental health. 

When I was younger, I was a victim of this system too, and even the thought of being judged or unfairly labelled and excluded by my peers was terrifying me. 

I have spent years and years pretending to be someone else, building my own character to better fit the social schemes of my generation, with the consequence of forgetting completely who I was and what I wanted in my life. 

Be You
Photo by Vie Studio from Pexels

But then I reached a point when I realised that this ongoing hiding was not worthy at all, and that I absolutely deserve to be free to be my real self, stop being ashamed of my own feelings and emotions. And if I could go back, I would probably make the same choice again and again, as I am 100 % confident of my own decision and on the implications that this could have not only on my mental and physical wellbeing, but also on my relationships with people around me. 

It is extraordinary how a simple and small action can make you feel relieved and reborn, changing completely your whole life and your perception of the outside world.

This is why, now that we are reaching the end of today’s topic, I am going to share with you a 7 Steps Guide I have set for myself as a reminder of the importance of breaking the stigma of Mental Health Conditions.

Whenever you are struggling to let your thoughts out, remember that:

  1. You are free to express yourself without any worries of being judged or wrongly labelled by society.
  2. Talking openly about your mental health illness makes you have a better understanding of where you are right now, analysing the causes and the consequences impacting your emotional state.
  3. It can help not only yourself, but also someone else struggling with a similar condition, as it will encourage other people to talk.
  4. It will change your concept related to your disease, turning it from a negative into a positive one, and you will feel less pressured and anxious about it.
  5. You are not the only person in this room suffering from a mental health condition. 1 out of 6 people in the UK experiences a mental health disease, especially nowadays, due to the pandemic and the impact of it on our lives.
  6. If you decide to stop pretending to be okay, someone else will do the same.
  7. There is nothing wrong with being diagnosed with a mental health condition; it is like any other physical disability, and it can get more severe if not treated properly or if being held for a long time.

Do not let your fears and insecurities dictate your future and your own happiness. 

There will always be someone trying to let you down; prejudice and assumptions are part of the human nature; you cannot change this, but you can change your approach to it by making a choice today: you will be no longer impacted by the judgement of people around you. 

You have the right to be yourself, expressing your feelings without any shame or fear.

Talk to someone today, let your ‘silent disability’ be heard and have the respect that it deserves.

Girl Happy
Photo by Alena Shekhovtcova from Pexels


It is not more about what men want from us, now it is time to focus on what we want, instead.

The ‘sexy perfect supermodels’ dominating the catwalks are a bit dated nowadays. In an era of inclusivity, a new type of woman becomes the protagonist of the future fashion scene: the empowered woman.

Goodbye Fallen Angels, this is a rebirth for Victoria’s Secret, which represents the new company updated marketing strategy, the VS Collective, a massive change in the lingerie world.

Do you remember those beautiful creatures walking the runaway, so perfect not to seem real? You will no longer see them, as they have now been replaced by a new concept of woman, much classier and more authentic.

VS Angels

We need reality, not plastic dolls. We are not bodies without a substance. We are intelligent, smart, we are multitalented. We have a soul and an essence that make us unique and special. And we should leave a mark and be remembered for our personalities, no more for our shapes or for what we wear.

This is the message that the greatest designers have been launching since 2017, when France was the first country revolutionizing the whole world of fashion by banning the use of unhealthily thin models from the runaways. Since then, society continued to evolve, and women’s power and success together with it.

This is how, in an ever-changing time, VS decided to surprise us with a well-thought choice, altering its narrative around sensuality and becoming ‘an advocate for all women’, by proposing real ambassadors like Megan Rapinoe, an American athlete and gender equality campaigner, Eileen Gu, a 17-year-old Chinese American freestyle skier, the actress and entrepreneur Priyanka Chopra Jonas and the transgender model Valentina Sampaio.

There is no more space for the ‘Barbie Avatar’, as dubbed by The New York Times. The new generations need to be motivated by strong and ambitious women, by inspirational figures who can lead the way and prove that we, as women, have much more to offer than a pair of beautiful legs.

But this is not all! When it comes to inclusiveness, VS must make an important step also regarding its sizing choice: everyone should be able to access to its collection, and this has not been possible so far due to the brand’s limited sizing options.

Regardless, VS has reassured its regular buyers that this change will be happening soon, in addition to an introduction of a nursing bra and a maternity lingerie to the popular brand.

Will it be a success? Surely it will be a significant step on women’s fashion, completely changing the female stereotype of ‘hot mindless bodies’ and replacing it with a more considerable one.  

Photo by Konstantin Mishchenko from Pexels

This is a very controversial topic for the Women Empowerment Movement as it is extremely frustrating having to face criticism, still now in 2021, when it is relating to our physical appearance and our own choices.

If we dress to draw the eye, we are either too provocative or too little intelligent, and we should not be complaining about men being flirty with us, as we are the first ones giving a wrong impression of ourselves (this is what we have been hearing for ages, even in the worst cases when there are victims of domestic abuses and rapes)

When, instead, we overdress we lack personality, or we are considered too serious for most men’s tastes.

It is time to change this concept by starting to promote a different image of us. We, as women, want to be sexy and seductive not only for the way we present ourselves, but also for our mind, opinion, and education. We are tired to be classified as dolls because we are truly authentic.

We want to be respected and to be loved for who we really are, not for how we look. We want to be engaged in deep conversations, and we want our man to ask for our opinion when needed.

We want to feel supportive and important for someone, no more the ‘entertainer who occasionally fills your spare time’.

Therefore, VS has decided to open its doors to all women, rather than been focusing on one female model only, thus being more diverse and inclusive.

With a new ideal of a woman, we have now the freedom to express our personalities, giving ourselves the right value that we deserve.

The message that the fashion industry is trying to convey is that we, as women, are powerful in every single aspect who better represents us, and everyone should start seeing this by welcoming a new product which empathizes a veil of reality and authenticity.

Adut Akech, Priyanka Chopra & Megan Rapinoe


What do you know about mindset and what kind of mindset do you think you have? Are you mostly a positive person, always looking for the good side in every situation? Or do you take things negatively, falling at the first hurdle?

Whatever your personality is, your mindset is that supernatural force, the most powerful one that will drive you at every moment of your way. It is your daily fuel, that boundless energy that will determine your own perception and vision of life, based on your beliefs system and on your personal experiences.

But let us now have a look at how our past influences our mindset and our worldview.

What happens in our brain when we absorb our very first information in the childhood?

The early years of a child from 2 to 8 are crucial for the brain’s development, especially at the age of 3. This is when the main architecture of our brain is formed, laying the foundation of our future, and influencing the way we will function later in life.

As you may be aware, children have the capability of absorbing information very easily, with the consequence of developing a sense of being that will mostly be impacted by what they stored during the childhood.

Everything that they consistently experience throughout their early years moulds their vision of themselves and of the rest of the world, structuring their beliefs system.

For instance, if someone is constantly treated with respect, his/her inner belief will be that he/she will give value to him/herself, same for who is continuously put down, starting to think and acting like someone who is worthless and does not deserve happiness.

Photo by Meo from Pexels

Over time, these beliefs get stored in our subconscious mind, where is located our long-term memory, guiding the path of our life without us even realising it.

That is when we start to develop our own mindset, that will impact our way of thinking, our feelings and behaviours, our whole concept of life and our assumptions, consequently determining our approach to daily challenges, changes and difficult situations, our personal success, and our relationships with people.

It is all about mindset. As you know, life is unpredictable and it might surprise you at any moment, testing your abilities to adapt to changes and to the most unexpected situations. There is no perfect time; we all have our ups and downs, bad and good days, like there are no rainbows without any storms. What does really matter is how you approach the external circumstances and how you will face every new challenge with positivity and persistence.

It is important to acknowledge that the quality of our life does all depend on us and on our willingness to react to the circumstances in the right way. We can be positive despite the difficulties that we meet every day and win every single battle that will come across our path, or we can end up overwhelmed at the first occasion, letting day-to-day problems controlling our emotional and physical state. The choice is only ours.

There are two main different types of mindset that shape our lives: the Fixed and the Growth one.

“A ‘fixed mindset’ assumes that our character, intelligence, and creative ability are static givens which we can’t change in any meaningful way, and success is the affirmation of that inherent intelligence, an assessment of how those givens measure up against an equally fixed standard; striving for success and avoiding failure at all costs become a way of maintaining the sense of being smart or skilled. A ‘growth mindset’, on the other hand, thrives on challenge and sees failure not as evidence of unintelligence but as a heartening springboard for growth and for stretching our existing abilities. Out of these two mindsets, which we manifest from a very early age, springs a great deal of our behaviour, our relationship with success and failure in both professional and personal contexts, and ultimately our capacity for happiness.”  As mentioned by Carol Dweck, psychologist at Stanford University of California, in of her most remarkably masterpieces Mindset: The New Psychology Of Success.  

If you find yourself having a Fixed Mindset, it is most likely that you will indulge into your comfort zone, sensing everything that is new and that differs from your usual habits as a sort of threat; by contrast, your Growth Mindset will take you places you have not explored yet, always discovering new skills you were not even aware of. This will also have a significant impact on your whole personality and propension to react to changes.

But is it possible to develop a different mindset throughout our life despite our natural tendency?

Indeed, it is. And I am going to tell you why.

Thanks to Neuroplasticity, it has been scientifically proven that the human brain has a huge capability of flexibility and reorganization because of individual neuron pathways making new connections and to systematic adjustments like cortical remapping. Examples of neuroplasticity include circuit and network changes that result from learning a new ability, environmental influences, practice, and psychological stress.

This is an incredible discovery as it means that if you are no longer satisfied with your current life and you would like to achieve better results you can work on restructuring your beliefs system, adopting a completely new vision and approach to a better future.

The first thing, and the most important one that you should do is to increase your awareness, understanding that each external event is not the reason for your personal dissatisfaction and for your unhappiness: your mindset is! And if you will switch your energy into a more positive one, adopting a Growth Mindset, your whole life will turn into an ocean of possibilities and successes. No matter the obstacles that will stand in your way and how many stumbling blocks you will encounter along your path; you will not lose your drive and that motivation that brought you here. Actually, you will accept each new opportunity to keep learning new things, constantly expanding your level of knowledge and your ability to overcome the difficulties.

Photo by Designecologist from Pexels

You will no longer feel overloaded or under pressure and you will take everything with more ease.

I have learnt at my expenses that I cannot limit myself for fear of making mistakes and that it is never too late to develop new skills and increase my level of education. I have learnt that if I start my day with a ‘can do’ attitude I will have more chances to achieve the goals that I have previously set, instead of doubting and underestimating myself. And I have also realised that if I look at the good aspect of things, I will approach each new challenge in the right way, feeling mentally and physically healthier.

We are what we think. It is not just a figure of speech. It is a state of mind.


One of the most current topics is the global pollution and the innumerable consequences it is having on our planet. Believe it or not, fashion is one of the factors having a major impact on Earth.

I was surprised myself when discovering how harmful and toxic are microplastics contained in synthetic textiles; it has been demonstrated that around 500,000 tons of microfibers end up in our oceans each year, polluting the water and destroying marine life; not to mention the 10% of carbon emission created by the fashion industry – a percentage even higher than the international and maritime aviation together! This is disturbing news considering that nearly 300,000 tonnes of clothing go to landfill each year and that just 15% of garments that we no longer need are recycled.

It is extremely worrying and frustrating at the same time, thinking that we are in 2021 and there are still many people who need more education and awareness in the field.

Thus, what is sustainability and what can we do to change this grave situation?

Sustainable fashion is a movement and a process of fostering changes to fashion products and the whole fashion system towards greater ecological integrity and social justice.

As many sustainability experts say, the key issue related to this worldwide problem is due to an excessive production. In fact, collections keep changing so rapidly that we may not even realize it, driven by an insatiable appetite for consumerism. This generates an incredibly fast cycle of passing trends that end up thrown in the trash after a very short amount of time, polluting the environment in a jiffy.

Photo by Stijn Dijkstra from Pexels

So, how can we contribute towards a greener planet?

There are several things that we could try to do to prevent this, starting from small simple actions. Firstly, we should expand our knowledge in this phenomenon which has been spreading significantly in the last few years. We could do that by taking advices on what kind of fabrics we should or should not buy and where we could eventually find the more sustainable garments, developing a sense of responsibility when doing shopping. We could avoid purchasing the excess, and consequently be more considerate wearing a limited number of fabrics with a better quality.

Is this really possible? Indeed, it is. Therefore, before going, I will leave you with some useful tips on how to shop more sustainably.

The first advice I would like to give you is:

  • Educate yourself, getting to know the fabrics and where they are manufactured
Photo by Wallace Chuck from Pexels

In this way you will have a better understanding of what you are going to buy, and you will certainly know what to avoid in the future. Brands who operate sustainably will state their environmental ethos on their websites, therefore you will be on the safe side.

Alternatively, I would suggest you try downloading the ‘Good On You’ app for sustainable fashion. It is a great way to easily check the impact of your favourite fashion brand on the planet and it has plenty of positive reviews.

  • Buy 4-5 main garments that you can use to create different outfits
Choice of Outfits
Photo by Anastasia Shuraeva from Pexels

What matters is not how many clothes you have in your wardrobe, but their quality and if you know how to pair them correctly.

I have a few dresses and shirts that I wear on special occasions, but also on a night out with my friends. If you learn how to play with your accessories, you will see that it is not indispensable spending a huge amount of money in clothes. What you really need is having an eye and good taste for fashion.

Buying less you will give a significant contribute to the environment, decreasing the level of pollution due to thousands of tonnes that end up at landfills, causing an incredible damage to our oceans and marine life.

  • Donate what you no longer want, it is simple
Photo by Suzy Hazelwood and Burst from Pexels

I have always hated accumulating stuff, and I think that there is nothing better than avoiding this by giving a small social contribution. London offers a wide range of charity shops that you can look at if you decide of doing a bit of decluttering from time to time. It does not take long, and at the end of the day it makes you feel happier within yourself for having done something good in support of those in needs. Think about it. A little action can have an undisputed impact on someone else.

  • Learn how to look after your clothes
Photo by Liza Summer from Pexels

It does seem easy to say, but it is not so obvious as you may think. Many people do not pay too much attention and care to their clothes, or they throw stuff away at the first damage or missing buttons. It would be much better if we were more cautious with our fabrics or if we knew how to do simple repairs. Not only we would not waste our energy in unnecessary shopping, but we would also increase our monthly savings and reserve them for a future investment or the holiday that we always wanted.

  • Look for organic cotton, instead
Photo by Cottonbro from Pexels

‘Avoid fabric that use microfibres, if possible; they are the worst in polluting our oceans because of the numerous particle that they release for each wash. Alternatively, choose an organic or GOTS certified cotton. GOTS certified cottons are checked from the point of growth and monitor the fair trade of the farmers and the consumption of water. Regulate pesticides used and keep an eye on the full supply chain. Make sure you always do your research before buying but look for fabrics which are taken from a source that can be replenished, and always recycle and recycle!’ – this is what Nia Jones, co-founder of Good News says.

And now that we have reached the end of today’s topic, I hope that you enjoyed my article of the week and that you will be more considerate next time you will go for shopping, before purchasing the first garment in the window that will end up in the most hidden corner of your wardrobe.

Producing fabric
Photo by Los Muertos Crew from Pexels


We tend to spend most of our personal life focusing on the negativity, rather than appreciating the good side of things and making the most of every single moment.

It is incredible how twisted human nature is, when it could be so easy to use and transform our energy into something positive each time we encounter a new obstacle.

I keep wondering why we always wait for the storm to begin before seeing the sun and starting to absorb the warmth and joy emanated by the power of such a supreme, cosmic force.

Why do we have to fall ill or lose our loved ones to get strong enough and be able to live our life to the fullest, rather than just surviving and waiting for another day to go by?

We hear of many people who almost died and radically changed their vision and values only after a coma or a family loss, whilst at the same time, the most disadvantaged ones keep surprising us with genuine smiles and simple gestures.

Why does this happen? We live in a society that consumes us, drowning us in its corruption and false ideals. And this continuous desire to possess excessively turned us into some perpetually unhappy creatures, constantly looking for what we do not know or what we do not have yet.

It is right in this scenario of general dissatisfaction that we should all make some efforts to face a change, beginning by the way we think first, following by how we live. This is possible thanks to the power of gratitude.

Gratitude 1
Photo by Lola Russian from Pexels

What is gratitude?

Gratitude is going to sleep every night and waking up in the morning with a relaxed face and that expression of joy and positive attitude, appreciating the simplest things and being grateful even for being alive in this world.

Gratitude is a small action but of great value that has the infinite power to change your whole perception of life and external events.

It is innate within our spirit, but many people do not know that as they have not discovered this energy yet.

You do own it and you should use this incredible gift as of right now.

As I keep saying in my blog articles: time is the most precious resource we have. Do not wait for the worst to happen before making the most of it.

Why have I decided to talk about this topic today?

Because I am the first one who has experienced this myself, and I perfectly know how gratitude can change your life in a flash.

It took me 29 years before realising that I was not feeling alive, but I was only living my days like if I was doing somebody else a favour. I know this is not the most positive and motivating line to read, but let’s be honest…I am sure I am not the only one in this room!

All I want right now is to be an open book with you.

I am tired to hide my feelings and emotions for fear of being judged, and I want my stories to be able to help you developing a more positive way of thinking, because I do truthfully care about you.

Said that, I will now give you three important tips on how to start practicing gratitude if you are going through depression and you do not know how to get over it:

  • Familiarise yourself with what is a ‘Gratitude Journal’ and start filling your personal one every evening before going to sleep, and in the morning, as soon as you are awake
Gratitude Journal
Photo by Jess Bailey from Pexels

Though it could appear as banal, it has been scientifically proven that writing a list of positive actions can help you to switch the focus on the positivity aspect of life; same as the use of positive affirmations, a gratitude journal can be extremely beneficial on your mental health. If you are consistent and you do really want to get better, I would suggest you fill out yours one, both day and night. This way you will go to sleep and wake up already in a positive state of mind, with a great determination and with a positive intention.

  • Dust off your old hobbies or find some new ones to keep yourself occupied with something you enjoy
Photo by Eternal Happiness from Pexels

If you suffer from depression you do not really have enough energy and motivation to carry on your daily tasks. I know how hard it can be when you do not even want to get out of bed and get dressed in the morning. But if you follow my first advice, after one or two weeks (depending on which stadium of depression you are currently in) it is more likely that you will already start to experience a feeling of wellbeing. Trust me, focusing on the positive things in your life, you will get up with another angle, a new you with a new aura, willing to take on new challenges and opportunities, especially if you have the chance to do something that you enjoy.

  • Be grateful and appreciative every day, but do never lose that drive and that desire for accomplishment
Photo by Anna Tarazevich From Pexels

It is important that you do learn how to express gratitude, but without losing your vision and desire to redeem yourself. Setting goals is part of our personal growth and it is what makes us feel stronger and valuable, challenging our own fears and insecurities. Keep this in mind if you want to progress in your life – and I am 100 % confident you want this – even if everything seems to be falling apart right now and you are struggling to see the positive aspect of things.

Remember, life is just one, and it is here and now. You tend to forget about it so often that you can barely take some time for yourself, appreciating the present moment.

But how long do you want to keep having the same routine?

If you want beautiful things to happen to you, you must learn how to appreciate what you already have first. Stop letting yourself be carried away by external events and start living your day as if it was the last one. Life is the most precious gift the universe has given to us, together with time.

And since your time does not go back, you should change your approach to life and start enjoying a bit more what you have and the simplest and the noblest gestures.

Be grateful
Photo by Elina Sazonova from Pexels


Like every garment, even handbags have their own story behind them. They are not just a simple accessory to be paired with our outfit of the day, bags are a psychological need, something essential we could not live without, an extension of our life!

But how was this incredible invention of vital importance born?

Believe it or not, handbags were not created as a women’s accessory. The origin of the term dates to 1900, when men used to carry pouches in the Ancient Egypt – as depicted in many hieroglyphics of that time.

Egyptian hieroglyphics
The mysterious handbag in the Ancient Egypt

The oldest purse was found in Germany in 2020, and dated from 2,500 to 2,200 B.C.; it was studded with dog teeth, while the oldest handbag, instead, is a 700-year-old-clutch discovered in Northern Iraq; it is a unique piece, decorated with gold and silver court scenes – what an incredible treasure!

And did you know about the meaning held by such a unique accessory?

In the Middle Ages, purses had a great symbolic weight representing marriage and betrothal, thus usually conveying a romantic note.

Symbol of power, status and beauty, handbag has always had a very practical use as well.

That is why this indispensable element is so necessary for each woman, especially when spending the whole day out and having to deal with another hectic schedule.

But let’s have a deeper look at the evolution of the handbag from the Elizabethan Era to this day…

In the 1950s, while trends were proposing a new concept of fashion, with tea length swing dresses, pencil and circle skirts and tailored suites, the small girdle purses that women used to carry began to increase in size (we can notice this by seeing the humblest people of that time already wearing large satchel-type bags across their body).

Women In Fashion – Back To 1950’s

It was the introduction of pockets to men’s clothing in 1670, when men fully discarded bags, so that they began to be known purely as the domain of women’s fashion.

On top of that, handbags played an important role in the women’s equality movement, giving women a specific place where to keep their own money and possessions, thus stopping relying forever upon their husbands; this has also contributed to guarantee more privacy and control of women personal belongings, empowering them even more.

But, as you might imagine – while you are getting to know a little bit about myself, I am not fully satisfied if I do not add a hint of psychology to my blog articles, thus I would like you to focus your attention on the psychological aspect that is intrinsic in women’s handbags, not only as a fashion accessory, but as a pure reflection of our personality and lifestyle.

Because, whether you know it or not, you can learn a lot about people by simply observing the way they carry their bags and how they organise their own items in it.

The body expert, Patti Woods, has studied the meaning of women’s bag habits, and she talks about it in a Reader’s Digest feature.

Let’s have a look at the different ways to carry handbags and what they show about our personality:

  • Holding a bag securely between arm and body

If you do that, then you tend to be cautious and practical, occasionally too much that you might need some time before opening up to people around you and giving your trust. You are also very attentive and selective, which is a good thing as it makes you the smartest person in the room. It can generate a wrong impression about yourself though, as you overthink before taking action and this can result to be a bit slow and looking insecure in people’s eyes.

  • Carrying a cross-body bag at the front

You are the busiest business woman! You like things to be easy and practical. You have no time to pair your accessories to the right outfit, wearing something fashion that is too uncomfortable for your standards. You need something that would make you feel secure, by giving you enough space to keep your belonging necessary for a long day full of meetings at work, without bothering you too much.

  • Wearing a small sling bag that hangs freely from one shoulder

This tells a lot about you and your personality. You are a free spirit and your genuineness and spontaneity are what really make you stand out from the crowd. You like living your life to the fullest, bursting positive energy from every pore. You do not need too much; you are only carrying with you what is a real necessity (this explains the small size of your bag). Although you do not pay attention to brands, you like to have good quality stuff. Be careful to your personal items when you are outside though. Sometimes your chilled attitude could lead you to be a bit scatterbrain.

  • Holding a satchel from the crook of the elbow

Class and elegance make you a charismatic, charming woman that men look at with curiosity and desire. Prestige is your thing. Sometimes people that do not know you may think that you are a bit arrogant or that you have an attitude of superiority at first impression, but you simply know what you want and how to get it.

A recent study on women with dementia found that they responded well with having handbags with them in their care homes, suggesting that after a time, we even begin to treat handbags as an extension of ourselves.

In fact, if you think about it, bags are not only a mirror of our personality. They contain part of our life; they make us feel safe and secure day and night, even at the very thought of wearing them.

It is like bringing your inner essence with you, your personal effects, the extra lipstick that will rejuvenate you on a last-minute meeting with the CEO of the company, the spare toothbrush that will save you before going on a random date.

And obviously, even how you organise your stuff into your purse will reveal a lot about you. You may be that free spirit that does not need a lot with her, as long as you have the essential needs for your daily schedule, or like myself, you may be that kind of woman who will bring along with her the entire flat (I know this may sound exaggerate, but sometimes I really do this).

Who knows better than you what feature represents you?

Your bag will speak for yourself. Now that you know that, make sure you will wear the right one on the most special occasion of your life!

Women and bags

Make Yourself A Priority

In my posts, I talk a lot about self-love and self-esteem. And I do so because I have learnt at my expense that I cannot live the life of my dreams and be a happy and healthy woman if I am not at peace with myself.

I have spent several years waiting for someone, an ideal partner, that could make me feel ‘less empty’ and less alone, fully depending on men, thinking that I was not good enough to look after myself.

When, one day, after countless mistakes, I realised I was not doing the right thing and that I was 100 % capable of becoming a successful and independent woman.

How did this happen?

Well, my own experiences have taught me a lot, making me aware of how it is important to give myself the right value that I deserve. In addition to this, I have learnt that I should always take some time out for myself, no matter what.

City life is an ongoing challenge. It is not for everyone. It is like a carousel that never stops, and it keeps testing your abilities and your level of tolerance.

Hectic lifestyle
Photo by Aleksandr Burzinskij from Pexels

Those who live in London, like me, should definitely know what I am talking about.

Nevertheless, it has turned out that during pandemic – having been furloughed for almost a year – I realised how important is to reserve some quality ‘me time’ and that, on a scale of values, I should always be on top of my list.

It is not a matter of being selfish, it is making yourself a priority in order to be able to enjoy life the most, and to look after others in the second place.

In the last 4 years, I have been so stuck into London hectic lifestyle that I could barely remember what I liked and how creative I was.

I was spending the whole day outside for work, travelling endless hours on the tube, heading back home in the evening absolutely exhausted and overwhelmed.

Then, I reached that point when I wondered if this was really worth it. And when I finally had all the time I have always needed, I felt I should have probably played some music again, and maybe take my canvas and brushes to start painting, like I used to do when I was younger.

And it has been amazing. It has been like reconnecting with myself after so long, discovering I haven’t lost my unconditional love for art and that I had some sides of me yet unknown.

Having said that, before providing you with some tips on how to preserve your own time, I would like you to deeply focus on yourself and on your life, visualising your system of values as a sort of pyramid.

What is that you care the most? If it is love, it should be at the top of it. How do you keep yourself occupied? Do you like travelling, practicing sport, helping others? And what is the least important thing for you?

If you are not sure about it, then this is your chance to reflect and reconnect with yourself.

And now, here are 5 tips I recommend you to consider if you feel that you are getting overloaded and under pressure:

  1. Learn how to say ‘no’ without blaming yourself for it
Photo by Cottonbro from Pexels

I know it is difficult to say ‘no’ to your boss that is giving you an important task, especially if you are driven, as much as I am, and you want to progress within the company, or to a friend you really care about. But you are not a superhero and you do not have to prove anything to others, rather than to yourself.

Thus, stop pretending you have some sort of superpowers. You are a human being and you can only do so much every day.

People will appreciate your honesty and you will not end up stressed and in a bad mood;

2. Have a hobby, a project to keep yourself occupied outside of work

Photo by Rfstudio from Pexels

Do your daily workout, run, draw, cook your favourite dishes, if that makes you feel more relaxed. But do not live your life to work, as there is nothing sadder than that.

You should always have an escape from the routine, your relief valve to enjoy your own freedom and your personal life.

3. Do not jump into a relationship, just because you cannot be alone

Photo by Ba Tik from Pexels

First of all, allow me to tell you that this is just one of your countless limiting beliefs. You can only think that you are not able to be on your own. It is your personal conviction.

The truth is that you are perfectly capable of being an independent woman. You just have to get out of that comfort zone and make things change!

You will be surprised of how much you will enjoy yourself and your own time once you will take courage to stop depending on others.

4. Buy yourself a treat, take a day off from work

Woman Spa
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

It is important that you reserve some time for yourself, once in a while. Take a day off for a longer weekend in the countryside or for a Spa Circuit to get rid of the accumulated stress. You could even offer yourself a dinner at your favourite restaurant, or buy yourself a gift. It will make you feel more confident, empowered, and more relaxed.

I try to do this more than once a month, to ensure I do not deny myself anything and as a reminder that my happiness does not depend on anybody else.

5. Learn how to plan ahead, managing your time


The last and final tip is one of the most important ones for me.

Do you manage your time or does your time control you? Are you getting enough sleep, exercising at least three times a week? If the answer is no, then it is most likely that you will not be effective as you should.

You will end up getting anxious and frustrated, and consequently, both your mind and your body will take longer to produce.

Try to change your schedule to make your life easier, and learn how to set measurable and attainable goals.

If you cannot complete a task today, just do it tomorrow without stressing out!

Now that we have come to the end of our weekly appointment with Dressed From Within, I hope that you enjoyed this article like you did with the previous ones, and that it will help you to remind yourself how important you are and how valuable is your own freedom.

Do not wait for the river to overwhelm you. Make that change as soon as possible, as time is the most precious resource we have and there is no turning back.

Enjoying life
Photo by Snapwire from Pexels


Summer is upon us, and finally, after so long, you can sense a feeling of optimism in the air.

Restrictions have been eased, people are meeting up again and the weather is delighting us with amazing sunny days.

But how does this “going back to normal” translate to clothes?

As you can imagine, last year has been pretty challenging for the fashion industry – as for every other environment – with many changes and innovations, not only from a stylistic point of view, but also from a marketing perspective. The digital world has taken over, revolutionising entirely the international Fashion Weeks.

With the new ‘Work From Home’ routine, the loungewear has become the unexpected biggest trend of fashion 2020, together with a new proposal of fantastical fashion. Frothy dresses, mood-boosting prints and bright and soothing colours that take inspiration from natural elements have been selected with the aim of giving people a sense of hope and positivity.

“When the grey clouds disperse, we see the sunshine” says Pantone’s executive director, Leatrice Eiseman. And this is how the transformation from the Ultimate Grey evolves to a radiant yellow hue, Illuminating, protagonist of a new life after a tumultuous year. These two shades are usually paired together to convey a message of stability and unity.

Balmain & Versace 1
Balmain & Versace

But what about the hot Pink Cosmos, which is one of the most popular colour trends of spring 2021, capturing the attention of everyone for the vitality that transmits? We have seen it literally everywhere, from the Grammy Awards red carpet to the Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards. This colour has certainly stood out from the rest for his vibrant, uplifting and flirtatious touch.

Valentino - Dolce & Gabbana
Valentino – Dolce & Gabbana

Together with the brightest tones, designers have decided to readapt the use of Cherry Red – one of the major colour trends of Winter 2019 – to give a bit of romance to the upcoming season, combined with a dominant and fiery character, the ideal choice after the current uncertainty.

Many people have lost not only their main occupation during lockdown, but also their confidence and personal balance. Thus, the powerful presence of vivid colours this year, to communicate strength and courage to the wearer, combined with the use of Burnt Orange and Buttery Cream tones.

Ermanno Scervino & Lanvin 1
Ermanno Scervino & Lanvin

But, as every spring and summer season has its pastel shades, 2021 runways could not be more fresh and sparkling thanks to the careful search for relaxing nuances after the neon colours we saw earlier. This is why the fashion trends of the year end with a wide selection of green and blue, such as Mint, Aquamarine, Avocado, Pistachio, Seafoam, etc.

Ulla Johnson & Boss 1
Ulla Johnson & Boss

Once again, the most prestigious designers like Versace, Alberta Ferretti, Armani, Boss, Ferragamo, Miu Miu, etc surprise us with their unique and refined creations, proposing on the catwalk something that reflects reality and contemporary society.

Style is not pure coincidence. As I mentioned in my previous articles, fashion is a mirror, it is a voice, the expression of modernity. You have to know how to interpret it to understand the message that trends release. And 2021 surely will be a memorable historic moment for all of us, not only because of a virus that has left a mark on our everyday lives, but also for the feelings and the energy that are conveyed to us by the entire world of fashion.