
Adele is an Image Consultant and Empowerment Coach.

Born and raised in the South of Italy, she began her career within the music scene, first as a singer-songwriter, and as a Dj, vocalist and radio speaker later.

Adele’s vibrant and creative personality has always made her stand out from the crowd, and as a consequence, it brought on social phobias and panic disorders throughout her adolescence. This did not stop her though as she then decided to make a significant change in her life, going against her own limiting beliefs by moving to London in 2017.

“I wanted to embark on a new path, proving to myself that I was stronger than my own fears and insecurities. I needed a real jungle to weather the storm on my head, and London was the right place for it.”

Despite the difficulties of the first few years, Adele was able to rediscover herself, going through a long and intensive process of self- acceptance and self-evaluation that has strengthened her confidence and self-esteem.

What has brought Adele from music into fashion?

“There is a moment in life when, after countless mistakes and wrong choices, you become aware of so many things. This happened to me when I realised that I was fully depending on music, as I was seeing myself in the music scene simply because I was born and raised in a family of musicians. I thought that singing was the only skill I had.

However, after a long break, I understood it was just a hobby and that I did not want to make a career of it.

A bit of my origins…
Santa Maria Di Leuca, Puglia, Italy

In regards to fashion, it has always been a bit of a harness for me. If I feel down one day, I put on the right outfit, and like magic, I feel more powerful and able to overcome what ever challenge I may face. Styling is a career I can be proud of, and I do not stop right there!

In my coaching sessions, I build a deep connection with my clients. My goal is to help people like me finding their inner strength and esteem, while also showing their outer boldness and confidence.”

Influenced by the charisma of an inspiring stylist, her mother, Adele has always had an innate passion for beauty and fashion. Her appetite has been constantly developing from her childhood, and continues to even until this present day. Adele creates a bright spark in a dull box with her alternative styles and daring fusions, but always maintaining pure class and elegance.

That need for freedom of expression, combined with the irrepressible desire to redeem herself has led Adele to undertake another incredible journey. She has begun analysing her experiences of the past and the relationship between fashion and psychology;

“We live in a society where we are the subject of constant criticism, where our image and physical appearance say so much about us, reflecting our personalities along with our strengths and weaknesses. That is why it is so important that we understand how to present ourselves, depending on the circumstances and varying environments we find ourselves in.”  

Thanks to her knowledge of the fashion industry and her coaching skills, Adele’s aim is to support those struggling with their own true identities.

“I believe that we are all unique and special. My goal is to pull out that uniqueness that distinguishes each of us by creating the best style to represent my clients, helping them in developing their own confidence and self-esteem.”