

It is not always easy to process an online booking. Sometimes a menu can be so vast and articulated that you do not even know what to look for anymore, and you end up in lot of confusion before deciding to give up.

Did it ever happen to you? I experience this situation quite often.

That is why I have made it simple and smooth for you, setting a guide on how to book my services.

As I do not have a calendar on my website, the first thing I recommend you to do is:

  • Check out my CONTACT HUB, located at the top right of the Main Menu or at the very end of my Home Page, in the Footer Menu; you can submit a request there, alternatively, if you are still not sure about what to book or you have an enquiry about my services and you would like to schedule a telephone call with me directly, you can find my contact on the right of my Social Media Links, again in my Footer Menu.
  • Once you are ready to book, you can purchase your favourite package by visiting my FASHION and COACHING HUB, just where my SERVICES are, on the Main Menu of my Home Page (prices are already there for you to be as comfortable as possible with you needs and queries). You can set up a payment via your PayPal account, or via Debit and Credit Card.
  • Bear in mind that if you wish to reschedule or postpone an appointment you must give no less than 7 days notice before the appointment is due to start. Failure to do so may result in the appointment being cancelled. Should we agree on an alternative future date, any payment will be transferred to the rescheduled appointment, but it won’t be refunded. If you request rescheduling with a notice of less than 7 days, an admin fee of £45 will be applied as per Terms & Conditions.
  • After your purchase, I will get back to you directly as soon as possible via phone for a quick catch up and to establish a date for your first session, based on your location and availability.
  • Finally, you will receive a confirmation email with the date and time of your booking, to make sure you will not forget about the appointment.

Do not hesitate to contact me for any further question. I am happy to assist you at anytime.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon! 🤗